...sorry, address unknown
Nieuwmarkt, Amsterdam
After 2 somewhat unsuccessful breakfast excursions, today we happened upon Bredaro's Cafe. We were on our way to the Pannekoeken-Upstairs in the center of town but found it to be closed, much to our dismay. NOTE: If you ever come here, don't rely too heavily on the Lonely Planet guide. So far, it's let us down twice in terms of wrong business hours published. Pretty disappointing.

Next to the Diablo sex store, it's a stark contrast from the surroundings. Lots of people walking by, including one especially entertaining woman, so the patio view was great. Plus, today was the first sunny day in about a week, and made for great photos.
I ordered the bacon, mushroom and cheese pannekoeken (pancake) and Harry got the traditional English breakfast. And, much to our surprise, both were pretty tasty! The problem we have now is distinguishing HOW tasty: is it only in comparison to the other let-downs or does it come to a Mel's or Coach House or Purple Onion level of breakfast-perfection?

Of all, I'm going to hit this up with a 6/10. Harry's breakfast was huge and he said it was some of the best bacon he's had. Mine was great too but didn't blow my mind. Plus, as the roster of 'bacon-and-egg' dishes we've eaten rises, the bar becomes harder and harder to push.
However, thank you to Bredero's for thus far, our best ont bijt experience in the Netherlands.
oh snap that looks pretty dank to me! im a hgue fan of bacon!
hey kids... from what I know the adress is:
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 244
1012 GK
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I'm sorry if this was the best breakfast you had. Bredero is one of the worst restaurants of Amsterdam ^^
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